Montag, 6. August 2007

Special Living

'The aim of Ikhaya Loxolo is to create a home and to provide training and employment for youth and adults with and without special needs.

In our work we strive towards self sufficiency as well as living a fullfilled life to the maximum of everyone's ability.

We aim to produce and provide products and sevices of quality that have a healing, non-invasive impact on the community and environment Ikhaya Loxolo is part of.'

Ikhaya Loxolo is a registered nonprofit Organisaton, combining permaculture gardening/farming with caring for people with special needs.

Huge permaculture gardens have been established, partly in a Drip Irrigation System, partly without.
Chicken, rabbits and Saanen goats are bred at the project, for eggs, meat, milk and milkproducts, not to talk about the precious manure.
Four houses, goat stable, toolshag and chickenhouse were built in the last 3 years and since January 2008 Ikhaya Loxolo is joined by adults and youngsters with, specifically the mentally disabled.

The project is situated near the Cwebe Nature Reserve/ Wild coast in the former Transkei of South Africa's Eastern Cape.
Ikhaya Loxolo is the first project of this kind in the Eastern Cape, the first to establish a home for the mentally disabled in such a rural area and the only one that provides care and training for people with special needs in this Elliotdale district.

Ikhaya Loxolo is trying to make a small difference to the mainly uneducated Xhosa people of this area, by a) helping to improve the local's poor diets, which often results in malnutrition, sickness and death. Ikhaya loxolo sells organically grown vegetables, provides seedlings (which are otherwise unobtainable in or anywhere near our village)and teaches the locals in (organic) gardening. B)Furthermore we concentrate on the mentally disabled, who are unable to help themselves and whose families are more often than not overtaxed in their strive to care for a disabled family member. Since January 7 mentally disabled youth and adults have joined our home.........unfortunately many families are unable to pay the very minimal monthly fee at Ikhaya Loxolo, since often whole families live on the disability grant.

Especially because of the lack of help from the government (who are extremely difficult and stubborn at Elliotdale), we are, as a nonprofit organisation, depending on donations and sponsorships; although we are aiming towards self sufficiency, which is a lifelong undertaking!

For more information please have a look at

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